Consider Life

by | Podcast, Understanding

Romans 6:11 (AMP)

“Even so consider yourselves also dead to sin and your relation to it broken, but alive to God [living in unbroken fellowship with him] in Christ Jesus.”


Everyday is an opportunity to experience God in a deep and personal way. God doesn’t want us to be nominal Christians. He wants us to be Christ like and to become the Church. The Church is the representation and extension of Christ. In Romans 6:11, Apostle Paul is teaching the Church who are already born again, believes in Jesus and are baptised. And yet he says, you need to now consider yourself dead to sin. This is an active pursuit of a mindset. We need to know and believe certain Biblical principles that set us apart from the crowd; that which help us in discerning right from wrong. Those beliefs should become the governing principle of all our decision making and it should begin to become the foundation for all our actions.
Even though we have been born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. We can consider ourselves alive to sin and that consideration can become an open door for the enemy to encroach into your life. We need to consider our relation to sin as broken. We all have a relation to it, sometimes we say, ‘this is how my father use to do it’, ‘this is how I have been doing it all the way from my childhood or the things have been done to me’. And we say we cannot overcome it. We cannot think or act differently. As we receive this revelation, some of our bondages that have been enslaving us for generations shall be broken. And, this is happening only because, we are changing our mindset and considering ourselves dead to that relationship to sin.


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