He Healed Him

by | Dependence

(Acts 28:8 AMP)
And it happened that the father of Publius was sick [in bed] with recurring attacks of fever and dysentery; and Paul went to him, and after he had prayed, he laid his hands on him and healed him.

May the Lord cause you to abound and prosper in every dimension. The reason for your prosperity is because of His presence. There is never a day, season, or moment when His presence is not available to you and in you. God radiates through you by your actions and conversations. May you be a change-maker and planet-shaker wherever you go. May you cause revival!
The Bible talks about a wealthy governor of a particular island whose father was constantly sick and doctors couldn’t treat it. His father was ready to die and had lost hope when Apostle Paul came to his father and prayed, laid his hands on him, and healed him. Apostle Paul was not supposed to be there but he was shipwrecked. May you find a divine connection amid confusion and chaos, even in the face of a threat. Apostle Paul could have complained that he couldn’t save the ship from sinking but instead, he told God to show him who he should go to. In that isolated island, he connected with God.
Would you publicly flaunt your prayer life and pursue your relationship with God? Amid those people who criticize you, can you still stay strong in Jesus? May the Lord use you to lay your hands on certain situations, struggles, and sicknesses. Wherever you put your hands, may there be grace because of the resurrection life that is radiating through you.


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