Discernment of Spirit

by | Aug 26, 2022 | Discernment

And it came to pass on the morrow, that an evil spirit from God came mightily upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as he did day by day: and Saul had his spear in his hand. – ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭18:10‬ ‭RV

and Saul cast the spear; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall. And David avoided out of his presence twice. – 1 Samuel 18:11 RV


Good Morning and Greetings in Jesus Name.

I believe that Lord’s purposes, His plans, ordinances, His decrees everything He has in store for you will come to pass. Now you may have to journey different seasons in life where you try and process what God is speaking and what God is trying to do, what God is trying to establish but in and through all of it you will see that Lord’s purposes will still come to pass.

You can read about David and Saul in 1Samuel- 18:10 And it came to pass on the morrow, that an evil spirit from God came mightily upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as he did day by day: and Saul had his spear in his hand.” 11-and Saul cast the spear; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall. And David avoided out of his presence twice.”

This is a crazy story about a very crazy guy. If you see the context of the story. The bible says, on the next day an evil spirit from God came mightily on Saul. This is a big theological problem here. How can evil spirit from God be sent into a person’s life. How can a person receive anything but good from God. Because God by definition is good. Everything that he does is good. Everything that He prepares for you is good. But then in this story it is very obvious and clear that the spirit that came upon Saul, it was an evil spirit. If you read the scripture there are multiple times, when there is a occurrence of evil spirit from the presence of God coming upon certain men of God and then they prophesy and then they prophesy things that are going to be of doom and destruction. And it is possible for some of us that you don’t understand the ways and manners of God, and you would look at this and say God is responsible for this. However it was Saul’s disobedience. It was Saul’s lack of alignment towards God’s mannerism and His plans for Saul’s life that caused him to inherit such an evil spirit.
In the context of the story you see, how he was filled with jealousy. And how he was disobedient to the man of God Prophet Samuel. He was constantly overstepping his boundaries and things that was not allotted for him. And now the bible says he is possessed with an evil spirit. The physical status of him did not changed. He was still the King. He was still rich. He was still the ruler of the Nation. And yet his spiritual equation with God had changed. And as a result he was inheriting a demonic evil spirit that God had permitted to enter into his life to torment him, to hurt him and to actually terrorize him.
Even when Satan came to hurt Job he did come from a place of presence of God. God had to give him permission. God had to open certain fences up so that Satan can enter into his home, his children’s life, his finances, even enter into his health. The point of the story is it couldn’t have happened without the permission of God. So either if it is for your groaning like in the case of Job or it is because you are totally in the place of God’s abandonment and principles of God’s ways in your life. Like it was in the case of King Saul and later it was in the case of King Ahab, his prophets, they received a lying sprit from the Lord who will destroy the life of King Ahab.
Now the interesting part in the scriptures it says, as soon as the spirit came upon King Saul, he started prophesying in the midst of the house. So anybody that is in contact with Saul can actually think that God is still using him. That God is still blessing him and speaking through him. It is very easy for people to begin to approve of all the other things that he has been doing parallelly. You should never be fooled by outward manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The enemy can have counterfeit prophecies. The enemy can have counterfeit miracles and speaking in tongues. How do you know that the spirit is really a good spirit or an evil spirit.
Further the verse explains that after prophesying or after speaking in tongues the next thing that King Saul does is to take a javelin and to throw it at David. So even though it looked like he was anointing, the fruit of this man of God, the fruit of spirit that he carried was very violent and was filled with hate and was demonic in nature. And that is how you know that the spirit he is possessed by is not from the Lord. Jesus said, you will know the tree by its fruits. Not by its gifts, not by its anointing, not by how awesome it looks but by its fruits.
Today the Lord is giving you the grace to discern and understand when a particular spirit that is operating in your life’s, it is not good or not godly in your life’s. It is not something that God has ordained or blessed. God might have permitted it but it is not Godly. And this discernment will help you to constantly reject everything that is not Godly and constantly embrace everything that is ordained by God. We will also have the grace to produce that is in accordance to the power of the Holy Spirit that is inside of us.
The Bible says the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, hope, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Let that be reflected in your life today.

Father we thank you for this word. We thank you because sometimes we get swayed by the anointing and the prophesying and the multitude of miracles and then we forget to discern what spirit it is. But this morning we thank you for opening our eyes. Each person reading this you shall not be deceived and you shall have the grace of understand where the man of God is coming from. Where the women of God is prophesying from.
In Jesus might name we pray.

Do not be swayed by the anointing, the prophecies and multitude of miracles, but we forget to discern what spirit it is. Today may God give you the grace to not be deceived.

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