Evil People & Evil Schemes

by | Jun 22, 2021 | Discernment

LORD, do not let evil people have their way. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, or they will become proud. -Psalms 140:8

In Psalms 140:8, King David is praying that the evil people that are surrounding him in his day will not have their way. Every day, we read and hears news of how there are people in the world around us that are out there to hurt and destroy people. Today, we need to pray like King David prayed and ask Lord not to let them have their way. Our voice and our prayers are very powerful, and today, the Lord is expecting us to pray the same prayer.

It is very easy for us to just push things off as long as it does not affect us. We need to be sensitive to the needs, desires and cries of the people around us. We need to pray against every work of the evil people. The first prayer is against the evil person or evil people, and the second prayer is against their schemes.

We need to individually target certain things that are happening around us. We need to ask God for a revelation, and as God gives us a revelation, we need to go against the evil schemes that people are coming out with. We have the power to overturn that. When we overturn these things, we will experience victory in the spirit realm. Today, the Lord is expecting some intercessors to arise and pray the two prayers of King David to take down the evil people and their evil schemes. Everybody does things that are not in the best interest of somebody else, but if there is somebody who is intentionally wicked, evil and trying to hurt the people around them or under their authority and those are the kind of people that we have to take on in a spiritual battle.

Intercessors are those who are raised up by the Lord to pray and take down the evil people and their evil schemes. Share on X

The reason that King David prayed these prayers is that if they do succeed and if they do have their way, then they will become proud and God is always against the proud, and if they become proud, they can never experience salvation. The only way that they can experience salvation at any point in life is that they will humble themselves so that they can receive grace and mercy from God, otherwise their eternal life is in danger. Let us echo this prayer that King David prayed in his day and time during our prayer time in this season.

May the Lord cause our prayers to be heard in heaven and make an impact in the world that we live in.

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