Hidden Traps Exposed

by | Jan 15, 2021 | Discernment

But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. – Matthew 10:26 NLT


Let us take courage and be strong despite our circumstances, as the Lord sees and understands our situations. He will bring everything into divine balance. Situations may arise to threaten you, push you away which will bring people who are jealous of you. The Lord says for us not be afraid, as these people cannot harm you as you are in His hands. They can stand outside and pour the negativity into you but cannot hurt you.

Let us look at our problems, the way God looks at it. Let us not be afraid of the enemy as everything that is covered will be brought to light. Let us pray for everything that is in secret shall be in open light.

Today make this a prophetic declaration over every aspect of your life. Do not let the enemy paint the picture but may you see the picture which the Lord has painted for you.

Let everything be brought to light. Don’t be afraid as the Lord shall reveal every plans of the enemy.

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