People of Discernment

by | Discernment

(Isaiah 27:11  LSB)

“When its limbs are dry, they are broken off; Women come and light a fire with them, For they are not a people of discernment, Therefore their Maker will not have compassion on them. And their Creator will not be gracious to them.” 


When God has filled us with His Spirit, He has given us the ability to see things from His perspective, and every time we continue to rely on our own ability to discern between good and evil, we are endangering ourselves. We can then be hurt by the enemy, or circumstances, or isolate ourselves from the presence of God because of our lack of discernment.

Isaiah 27:11 talks about a particular branch of a tree. It is not used anymore to bring fruit or life but just to be burnt away. God is explaining to us what drains away our fruitfulness. They do not have discernment, that is what causes them to be lifeless. There is a discernment that comes because of the Word taught to us, a discernment that comes because of the discipline that we follow in pursuing the way of the Spirit, and there is a discernment that comes as a gift from the Lord. The more we grow in discernment, the more we grow in life, grow in understanding, and we attract the favour of God in our lives. It is true that we live as foolish virgins, thinking that everything will be taken care of and not thinking ahead; there was no discernment in their mind.

Today, let’s pursue discernment and ask God for the same. We are going to pursue spiritual revelation so that we are not caught off guard by the attacks of the season, may we have the discernment to see everything that the Lord is doing in our homes, Churches, and cities ahead of time.

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