Reproduce Discernment

by | Mar 18, 2022 | Discernment

My son, pay attention to my wisdom; listen carefully to my wise counsel. Then you will show discernment, and your lips will express what you’ve learned. – Proverbs 5:1-2


Greetings in Jesus’ name. Welcome to another day with Jesus. Praying that each and every one of us will be hungry and intentional in asking God to manifest his wisdom in us. The more we interact with the wisdom of God the more this wisdom will begin to manifest through our lives and change our choices, decisions and our destiny. It is necessary that we learn to value the wisdom of God. Sometimes we take the counsel of God for granted and even those that come from our leaders or scriptures we may see it as not a big deal, yet when we begin to value this counsel, it begins to take and make a difference.

In today’s scripture, the Lord is giving us an invitation and making sure that we pay extra care to the wisdom that the Lord is giving us especially when we pay attention to those that God is using to bring his wisdom to us. It could be through our physical parents or those that God has placed above our lives. They bring wisdom on God’s behalf. How much attention and care do we give to such wisdom? There is a kind of listening that is not careful, unintentional and one which we may not be diligent with. Today, if we can do everything possible to look for wise counsel of God around us, write it down and pay extra attention to notice, our lives will show discernment.

We all want to make choices that will bring glory to God and do things that will be fruitful. Nobody will want to invest in a venture that will bring loss to us or invest in a relationship that will not work out, that is why discernment is essential for every child of God.

When we try to enjoy life without God there is absolutely nothing that is meaningful Share on X

Consequently, our lips will begin to express what we have learned not just for us to enjoy things, have prosperity or just enjoy health but our lips express what we have learnt. Like Solomon who had success in finances and relationships, he yet turned around with the wisdom to express what he had learned. When we try to enjoy life without God there is absolutely nothing that is meaningful. He has tried many times but has come down with the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing without God. Praying that our discernment will not die with us but overflow as an expression.
Sometimes it is very easy to give out advice but there is an opinion that comes because we have lived with the intentional and wise counsel of God but when those opinions are given, it will be one which we will see God at work through our works.

Prayer: Father we ask that today wherever we are in life we will be able to identify the wisdom and wise counsel that you have for us. As a result, let there be great discernment in every choice we need to make. Help us to reproduce this discernment through our lips and the teachings & opinions that we give to other people let it be an expression of the wisdom and counsel that you have given us. Thank you for hearing our prayer in Jesus name. Amen!

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