Source of Failures

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Discernment

“Who told you that you were naked?” the LORD God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?” – Genesis 3:11


Welcome to this new season! A passing year is a reminder of His goodness. Do not forget the mistake of your past and what the Lord taught you last year.

In Genesis:3, we saw the fall of humanity.
Who told you that you were naked?” the LORD God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”
The Lord says that I know that you are feeling naked and ashamed but I want to know the source of where this inspiration of fear walked in. I understand your experience but I want to know your source.

Understand the areas where failures have been spoken into your spirit.

If you can understand the voice of failure in your life, it is an indicator of what you need to avoid this year. Let your portion what God says. Share on X

The first thing God asked was whom did you listen to? & the second what did you do?
So whenever we align our ears to negative information, we became people who eat from these failures. Find the source of your sin and failure.

Avoids the negative voices of your life. Everything that we do on the outside must be the indication of God’s heart spoken to us.

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