Twisted by Lies
Jeremiah 8:8 NLT
“How can you say, “We are wise because we have the word of the Lord,” when your teachers have twisted it by writing lies?”
In Jeremiah 8:8, prophet of God, Jeremiah was addressing about the false teachers, false prophets, false apostles, false evangelists who were trying to give the people a sense of security when in fact there was no security that was ordained by God.
If we look into the world around us, we have so many Christian ministers who are telling the people everything will be alright, don’t worry, there is nothing to fear, etc. and hardly few talk about the realities of what we have to face when we want to live for the Lord. Often, we do agree with these men of God and say yes to these lies.
The only way to expose the lies that are being taught from the pulpit, practised in our homes and in our culture is to bring it back to word of God and to check if this is truly what God is speaking and if this is truly what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches in this season.
Jeremiah was writing to a generation of people who kept boasting about the fact that they were wise because they had the word of the Lord, whereas they in fact believed lies.
Jeremiah was the only prophet who was speaking on God’s behalf in that particular season. The king, the people and everybody hated Jeremiah. Sometimes, this is the story about the truth tellers. Everybody would like somebody who will agree with them and will say yes to everything they say. I am not saying that we have to encourage pessimism, critical attitude or judgmental attitude in the church, yet we have to allow people to speak the truth and allow the people who bring God’s word to us.
The Lord is calling us back into whole counsel. The first thing is to make sure that it is coming from not just one verse but from the entirety of scripture. It has to be foreshadowed in the Old Testament, taught by Jesus and practised by the Apostles and that is how you know that this is the whole counsel of God and also, it has to be something the Holy Spirit is making it into a revelation for you.
If you are thinking that you are wise and everything is alright with you and you are not reading the bible to check if that is true and just believing everything you hear on, God is asking how can you be wise when your teachers and your preachers have twisted and interpreted it as lies and added their own stuff and completely messing up the whole counsel of God. God is calling us back to that place to understand what He really wants from us.
May we repent, may we be challenged to study the word of God to understand the heart of God and not just boasting about ourselves as wise because we have the word of the Lord but truly we are wise because we have learnt to avoid every kind of lies around us.
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