Call the Name

by | Distinguished

(Matthew 1:21 TPT)

“She will give birth to a son and you are to name him ‘Savior,’ for he is destined to give his life to save his people from their sins.””


Experience the Lord in a fresh way today. There’s never a time when we come into His presence and taste of His goodness that we go back without a desire to fall in love with Him again, pursue Him with greater ferociousness, and live a life that demonstrates the grace that has been given to us.

Matthew 1:21 was a confirmation of a particular prophecy that Mary had received. This was being spoken to Joseph by an angel. God was speaking to Joseph about the destiny of the child in Mary’s womb. Joseph had many reasons to doubt whose Child it was, yet the Lord came to give Him clarity. The Lord was giving him a glimpse of the destiny of this Child and revealed His name to His father. The angel told him to call Him Saviour, which is Yeshua in Hebrew meaning ‘Yahweh is salvation’, ‘Yahweh is restoration’, and ‘Yahweh is deliverance’ because He was going to bring Salvation.

There are going to be certain things that God is going to entrust into your hands and it is up to you to wait on the Lord, hear His heart, and call those things the same names that the Lord has put into your spirit. You can reject those blessings just because it doesn’t fit your understanding of how things should be like. But if you spend long enough time in the presence of the Lord, to understand the destiny that God has put in your lives, even if it looks like a mess right now, then what will come through will be beautiful. If you trust your mess in His hands, He is going to give you a new name to call those things. And whatever you declare over them will become their identity. When God brought all the animals to Adam, God expected him to name them and whatever he named them became their identity. Today God is giving you the grace to call the messes around you the right names as you wait on the Lord and as you hear His heart.

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