Long Enough
(Deuteronomy 1:6 NET)
“The Lord our God spoke to us at Horeb and said, “You have stayed in the area of this mountain long enough.”
The Lord wants us to enter into the promises that he wants us to inherit. Sometimes we can hear the promises so many times that we get comfortable in just hearing the promises and not necessarily inheriting them.
In Deuteronomy 1:6, God speaks to the nation of Israel through His Prophet, Moses. He says, you’ve been staying at this mountain too long and you’re not moving on into your promised land. You’re not moving on to the blessings that I have in store for you. Sometimes in life, we become so comfortable being at the mountaintop and being in this place of prayer, worship, and encounters, that we forget the purpose of God behind bringing us out of Egypt. A Christian’s destiny is not to be lived out on the mountaintop. Our destiny is not to be just expressed in our love, our sacrifice, and our devotion to God. Living isolated from the world, and people. Jesus didn’t ask His disciples to stay at the mountaintop forever. He said, stay till the power comes upon you. And once the power comes upon you, go to the ends of the earth and make disciples and be my witnesses. Most of us are asking the Lord to bless us and give us an inheritance. And He says I have already given it to you, but you have to take possession of it.
Let’s not be satisfied with our spirituality, and be content with our encounter with God and continue to stay on the mountaintop. Heaven is for those who do the will of the Father and this is the will of the Father that we go and preach the gospel.
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