Meets Our Need

by | Drawing close

(Hebrews 7:26 NIV)
”Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens.”



Every time we receive a revelation, we also receive an invitation to a deeper place. There is no boundary between our abilities and the potential God has placed inside of us. In Hebrews 7:26, it is speaking about an introduction to Jesus, the High Priest.

There is a requirement to have a High Priest and rely on Him to access the Holy of Holies. Yes, indeed, this was not the original plan that God had for us. He wanted us to be in a relationship and have a close intimate fellowship with Him all the time. When we rebel and walk outside of God’s will and intentionally disconnect ourselves from His image and likeness, we get disqualified from walking into the place of the Holy of Holies. And that’s why we need a High Priest who will go before us and make a way. When Jesus died on the cross and took all our sins upon himself, He gave us the right to access into his holiness. High Priest becomes the mediator between humanity and divinity. We don’t even need to feel holy or completely consecrated and yet because He is holy, we know that we are holy too. We receive it by our faith and relationship with Jesus, the High Priest.
No one can point at Jesus to blame and convict Him of any wrong. Even after we are saved there can be things that can be pointed to us, as blame but because we have a High Priest when we come into the presence of the Father, we are blameless too. Also, because of our relationship with Jesus, we can receive purity in our hearts and minds. Everything that has been defiling us from time to time, we can receive purity and victory over it just because. This is our High Priest who is holy, blamless, and pure, who is set apart and elevated into the heavens. Everything that is His is ours by our trust, faith, and belief in Jesus.

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