Inherit Incorruption

by | Eternal inheritance

(1 Corinthians 15:50 MEV)

“Now this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does corruption inherit incorruption.”


The more that we are humble, seeking, and receiving, the more Jesus will pour himself out on us. In 1 Corinthians 15:50  Apostle Paul makes a stark difference between eternal and temporary things, he is talking about resurrection bodies. Sometimes we are so concerned over the things we invest in here on earth, which will not make it into eternity.  Today, may the Lord give us the grace to invest, and spend time, energy, and resources into things that matter in eternity. Everything else is temporary and not as meaningful, may the Lord give us grace to fade them out and not invest in those areas.

Jesus said ‘You need to store your treasures, where moth and rust cannot eat it up’, because everything else we store here on the earth, can eventually erode or be destroyed. That is why Scripture says corruption cannot enter into the incorruptible world.  There are things we deal with in this transactable world, we need flesh and physical blood to stay alive on earth, but when we enter into eternity that flesh and blood will be of no use.  The question will be how did we use our flesh and blood and resources on the earth?  The things God has blessed us with – healthy relationships, marriage, siblings, and parents will not be there into eternity, yet how did we serve, use, invest, and bless these relationships? Everything we do now is corruptible and has an expiry date.  Let’s pray as we use our flesh and blood on earth, we will do it with an eternal pursuit and reward in the mind, that we will not be so obsessed with the immediate physical blessing we are about to receive that we completely lose sight of what the Lord is doing in our lives, relationships, what God is giving us in our finances.  
Apostle Paul says three things that last forever and the greatest of these things is love, if we are spending money, health, and relationships to invest in love, to grow in faith and hope, that is awesome! Let’s pray for the grace not to invest in corruption so much, that we lose sight of the incorruption.  

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