Faithfulness, Kindness, Knowledge

by | Sep 24, 2021 | Evangelism

“Hear the word of the Lord, O people of Israel! The Lord has brought charges against you, saying: “There is no faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God in your land.” – Hosea 4:1

This podcast is a repost, originally published on 21st March, 2018
Series: Israel the Prostitute

We have been reading and learning from the book of Hosea, the book talks about, how God felt when the nation of Israel was being a prostitute as they continued to go to God in times of their need and continually go to other gods and trust themselves, which made God very upset.

Hosea 4:1 describes, the people of Israel, who did not show faithfulness or kindness to God, though God had been faithful to them. Well, this can be our story too!

When it comes to faithfulness, we keep our choices open saying, ‘just in case God doesn’t work or God is not the right person to run for help!’ We refuse/avoid keeping God as the sole center of our trust and dependency. Thereby, results in lack of faithfulness towards God.

The other problem God had with the nation of Israel was – there was no kindness in their hearts. God has always had mercy, love and kindness towards His people but the nation of Israel wasn’t able to respond back with the same kindness.

God is looks at us and says, ‘ If only, you could show one-tenth of the love that I showed you to somebody else, then the people around you will be so blessed, encouraged and will grow.’

The problem with us today is, we like to receive love and kindness from God but we don’t like giving it to other people.

Kindness is not something you experience in a relationship with yourself it has to practiced in the relationship with the people around you, that could also mean, to invest into relationships in order to express kindness towards someone.

The third problem was – there was no knowledge of God in their land.

Though God kept revealing Himself again and again but He says, ‘yet there is no knowledge of God in the land!’ One thing that is going to be eternal and with us would be the knowledge of God.

Question: How can we build faithfulness, kindness and knowledge?

Answer: There is only one way – By coming to Jesus, asking Him to fill you with faithfulness, kindness and knowledge because He is the perfect model of faithfulness, kindness and knowledge!

I pray today you will make that decision to make Jesus your master, saviour and the Lord of your life. The moment you do that, everything will begin shifting.

Have a great day ahead being full of faithfulness, kindness and knowledge of God!

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