Gifts to Baal

by | Sep 21, 2021 | Evangelism

She doesn’t realize it was I who gave her everything she has – the grain, the new wine, the olive oil; I even gave her silver and gold. But she gave all my gifts to Baal. – Hosea 2:8
This podcast is a repost, originally published on Mar 20, 2021: Transcript: In this podcast, we continue to study from the book of Hosea and understand the things we do that upsets God and how Jesus can help us in those areas. Hosea 2:8 shows us the complaint God has with the people of Israel. God says everything we have is a gift from Him – our money, time, resources, careers, abilities – everything from the smallest gift to the greatest talent, is from God. That is why He deserves our worship. Let’s not be mistaken into thinking that we have earned or inherited the good things we enjoy. The complaint God has is that instead of bringing back our good things into His presence, we offer it to Baal. Baal is a demon god, the god of convenience who does not expect any moral standards or holiness from us. Baal is not only actual idols, it represents anything to which we offer our talents and abilities, that does not expect a moral standard of us and that takes the place of God. Anything that you live your life for, becomes your god. God is asking for our devotion, attention and our love to be brought back into His presence. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac. Abraham, heartbroken as he may have been, was willing to lay Isaac down at the altar and give him back to God. Can you make the decision to give back to God everything that He has given you? Pray this prayer with us: Father God, we pray that the blood of Jesus will flow through this podcast upon every gift we have to offer to You this morning. Let it flow, anoint and sanctify everything we have in our life. Fill our gifts and anoint our talents with Your blood so that they can be purified and made holy and so that we can give it back to You as a love offering. Everything You have given us, we give back to You, in Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen.

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