Publish His Deeds

by | Dec 29, 2020 | Evangelism

Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does. – Psalm 96:3 NLT


This podcast is a repost, originally posted on Dec 6, 2017

We have been learning about cultivating a fresh habit of going out of our way to tell people that God loves them and saves them.

People around us are hurting and they are waiting for someone to bring the love of God to them. Many times we assume, looking at people from the outside, that everything is alright with them, but on the inside, everyone that doesn’t have a relationship with God has a vacuum that can be filled only with God’s love. That is why we have a crucial part to play.

We all have testimonies of how God has moved, worked, and done something new in our life. What do we do with them? Do we go out of our way to publish them to the people around us?

If God has helped you, would you just be happy or would you want to be an encouragement in someone else’s life because of it?

One of the best ways to introduce God to other people is by telling them the story of how good God has been in your life. When God invades our life, delivering us from troubles of any kind, it becomes our testimony.

If you think that God has not done anything for you, then do pray and let the Lord do something for you today.

It is one thing to tell people, “God is a healer”, and another thing to say, “God healed me”. The former would mean that you are just passing on the information but the latter you’d say out of your experience.

Majority of christians’ problems lie in this that they preach the gospel they have not experienced themselves.

We hope and pray that you will be somebody that will not just experience God, but also publish His good and amazing deeds to the nations.

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