Recognize the Lord

by | Dec 30, 2020 | Evangelism

O nations of the world, recognize the LORD; recognize that the LORD is glorious and strong. – Psalm 96:7


This podcast is a repost, originally posted on Dec 7, 2017

The world we live in is a world that has people who are without Jesus. They are needy, sick, tired due to the problems of this world. As children of God, who have experienced healing, comfort, and goodness, we need to stop being selfish and start telling others about Jesus. In this podcast we learn about recognising the Lord.

Our life can be used to bless, heal, encourage, and lift others. All we need to do is to be an instrument to proclaim the good news about Jesus and bring healing in their life.

Acknowledge God all the time! Only God deserves the glory in and through our lives. When having everything perfectly working for us, we end up taking all the time for ourselves. It could be our qualification, health, knowledge, etc.

How often do we recognise the God who gives us the reason to smile and rejoice? Do we tell the world about His ways and His power? Do we point out to the world the power of the cross and it’s goodness?

Today let us become a people who remember the Lord and acknowledge Him at all times. Even as you do that, we pray for a great blessing over you!

God bless you!

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