Sing Over Them

by | Dec 25, 2020 | Evangelism

Sing a new song to the LORD! Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! – Psalm 96:1


This podcast is a repost, originally posted on Dec 4, 2017

We begin our day with devotion to the Lord, singing songs to the Lord.

Our personal worship to the Lord has to affect the circumstances around us, the people, our work, our offices, our neighbours, to spill into the lives of the people around us.

List out people who need a touch from the Lord, and start worshiping the Lord with them in heart. Worship over them.

When we worship that way, we dethrone any obstacles in their lives that’s standing in their way to the Lord, and make God, Lord over their lives. There’s a shift in the atmosphere in their lives.

The enemies captivity breaks, and loses influence in their lives.

Do it intentionally, regularly, everyday. Sing a new song over them.
This is where worship becomes prophetic.

Prophetic worship is not just about spontaneous songs but hearing song’s from God, hearing in the Spirit. So be sensitive to ‘A New Song’.

Worship has the power to change people’s lives, cause a shift in the atmosphere. Worship in Spirit, truthfully, intentionally!

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