The Everything Anointing

by | Jan 4, 2021 | Evangelism

Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And He healed every kind of disease and illness. News about Him spread as far as Syria, and people soon began bringing to Him all who were sick. And whatever their sickness or disease, or if they were demon possessed or epileptic or paralyzed – He healed them all. – Matthew 4:23-24 NLT


The more intentional we are to receive from God and also give back to Him, understand His plans and walk in His purpose for us, the more we will be able to see greatness and enjoy the prosperity and abundance He has prepared for us here on earth.

We are all excited to see the Lord move in miracles, signs and wonders but this is conditional to what Jesus did in todays verse.

When you want to live a supernatural lifestyle and see divine breakthroughs in all areas of your life and in that of those that God has blessed around you, you need to make sure you are intentional to go out there, walking in the assignment that God has called you for. Some of the things that God tells or calls us to do maybe sometimes uncomfortable.

Like Jesus, there were temptations but He was willing to do His Father’s will and understand that more than all glory and glamour of life, being a pursuer of the Father’s will is very necessary and the most important thing and if we can put ourselves in such a place where we can put our faith to test, prove our loyalty and allegiance to the King of kings, we will naturally be setting ourselves up to live a supernatural lifestyle and every thing our hands come in contact with becomes a testimony.

As long as you are walking in God’s perfect will for your life, you will be able to walk in the everything anointing where not a single thing you do goes without having kingdom results.

May that be the faith that we resume work with, in this week. Let us remember that the assignments of God over our lives is what will bring the supernatural anointing of God and that is what will prepare and protect us for the next assignment for our lives.

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