Truth About Grace

by | Oct 4, 2021 | Evangelism

This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace. -Colossians 1:6


Good morning and greetings in Jesus’ name. Welcome to this beautiful new morning, this beautiful new season of walking with God, experiencing God, receiving from God and giving back to God. This morning I want to remind you that you are under the protection of God’s wonderful Grace. You’re not all by yourself, you’re not living life without His Grace. If it was not for His Grace, we would not have a relationship with God, we would not have a sin-free life, we would not have eternity, we would not have any protection from demonic forces around us. It is because of His grace that we can live a life of freedom. It is because of His Grace that you and I, can be away from all kinds of temptations. It is because of His Grace! And it is necessary my dear friend that we understand the truth about God’s wonderful Grace.

The Bible says in Colossians 1:6, this is apostle Paul writing to a church that he planted and he says, “This same Good News that came to you is going all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.”

Aren’t you glad that you and I are not the only ones receiving this good news? That even today the good news is being preached all over the world. Millions of people are receiving the word every single day. Millions of people are being added to the church every single day. This good news that came to you is in fact is the same good news that is going all over the world and it goes on to say that,

“It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives” It is producing results, it is having an effect of transformation wherever it is being preached. And what is the fruit? What is the result? It says it is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives. What is changing lives? The good news is changing lives, the gospel is changing lives, this message of God’s wonderful grace – that is what is changing lives.

He goes on to say that this is the same way in which this gospel changed your lives, you guys from Colossé – when the gospel came to you, it had an effect on your heart, on your mind, on your relationships, on your finances, everything God changed and transformed when you heard the gospel. And in the same way that it changed your life, now it is changing the lives of so many people all around the world. There is a fundamental truth here that we should not ignore. It is the fact that if the gospel of Jesus has not changed my life if it has not radicalized my life if it has not set me on fire if it has not driven me away from sin if it has not changed my perspective of God and of the world around me then I have not truly understood this good news, or I have not truly received this gospel, or I have not truly been practising this gospel. It says that this gospel in the same way that it changed your life, is now changing the lives of people all around the world. And this change has been happening from the very first day that you heard and then you understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace! This is the point I was trying to make, the change of life, the transformation of behaviour, the change of perspective happens because you would have first heard this gospel, you would have first heard this wonderful message, you would have been first exposed to God’s wonderful Grace. And second, you would now have to understand this truth, now you would have to get this absorbed into your system, you need to digest it, process it, come to a place where you have said a yes and are willing to respond to this Grace. Both hearing and understanding is necessary for you to bear fruit. So this morning if you are feeling like your life has not changed, if you are feeling like the people that you are preaching to, their lives are changing, then either there is a problem with hearing or there is a problem with understanding because if you both hear and understand the truth about God’s wonderful Grace, then your life needs to change, it needs to be upgraded, it needs to be transformed. So today, you and I need to pray and ask the Lord to give us a hearing ear and an understanding heart. Lord, show me, give me perspectives, expose me to your Grace like never before – your wonderful undeserving Grace and mercy! I want to be exposed to that Grace, I want to be able to hear that Grace every morning when I wake up. I want to be able to preach that Grace every time that I speak to an unbeliever or even a believer for that matter. I want to be able to represent that Grace with my clothing, with my public life, with my private attitude, everything. I want to be able to be a preacher of that Grace. Not only do I want to hear that Grace, now I want to have the heart, the attitude, the posture to understand the truth about this Grace. Not just hearing but also understanding. So Lord, humble me, bring me to a place where I don’t hold my tradition, my value, my perspectives, my theology above this revelation of your wonderful Grace. Teach me about your Grace today. Teach me about your heart for me today, teach me about your best for me today, teach me about your love for me today. I yield myself to you a hundred per cent! I pray that you would pray that prayer. I pray that you would desire such an in-depth revelation of God’s Grace. That you would not just hear His Grace but you would also understand this Grace that is made available for you and for me because when we do understand and when we do hear, we will produce results, we will produce fruit and the fruit will be a fruit of lives being changed and lives being transformed. Thank you so much for tuning in this morning, have a blessed and beautiful day ahead.

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