Angry with Yourselves

by | Jan 22, 2021 | Faith

But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives. – Genesis 45:5 NLT


Greetings in Jesus name!

God has blessed us with a beautiful day to receive from it. Let us be submissive and understanding to receive from His outpouring and manifestation.

In the scripture, Joseph speaks to his brothers for them not to be angry and upset with themselves for selling him, as God sent him there much ahead of them to preserve their lives.

Joseph was not bitter to go through what he did to reach this position. He knew that God had the control of every step in His life.

At times, people hurt us at one point in our lives. It is not necessary for us to hold a grudge on them. As you see, Joseph is not upset with his brothers but He knew that God had a plan. He sees the work and hand of God.

We must learn to build the confidence to realise that God has sent each one of us in different environments. When we believe this, we will agree to believe and trust God.

At times, we are unable to forgive as we cannot see the end, but, if you believe in Him, it is necessary for you to lean back and let Him take the lead. Let us not come out bitter but better. Let us trust God in this journey.

The past of our lives may be bitter but letting go and trusting God would turn things for better. Share on X

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