Directs Our Steps

by | Aug 6, 2021 | Faith

The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? – Proverbs 20:24


Welcome to a brand new day where we get to walk with God, experience God and gain new revelations of who He is.

This day, we have to pursue the heart and mind of Jesus.

The more we understand His nature, we more we will also understand ourselves. Everything that is hidden, deposited in us will be exposed as we continue to pursue God.

In fact, we will also discover things about ourselves, good and bad, things that need to be dealt with and things that need to be celebrated.

“The more we pursue and understand God’s nature, the more the hidden things within us, good and bad, will be exposed. Thus getting to know ourselves in the process, things that need to be disconnected from and things in us that need to be celebrated.”

The wise writer of the above verse says that directs our steps, that God is in charge of all of our decisions, that He is the one who knows the end and the beginning. God is the one who makes sure there is divine alignment in every area of our lives.

So why do we spend all of our time trying to understand everything along the way?

A lot of us may have this habit of trying to understand ‘why is this problem happening, where is this problem coming from, what can be done about this, what is the next step in certain matters, etc.’ Thus we get confused with all the details that we are plagued with, on a daily basis.

But the Bible reminds us that God is the one who directs all our steps, so we don’t need to get caught up in all the tiny details of everything going on around us.

So what do we do instead?

This is an invitation from God to leave the details behind and instead, pursue to get to know God’s heartbeat, His perspectives.

– The more we understand God, the more we will understand how He orders our steps.
– Then the more we understand how He orders those steps, the more we will understand why He allowed certain situations in our lives.

We would have all the answers to all our questions, the more we intentionally seek after God and His heartbeat.

The more we look inside of us, the more we will find emptiness and unhappiness. We need to look for answers by looking at Jesus and pursuing His heart, that is where we find happiness and fullness.

Get to know God, read scriptures, read about health in the scriptures, read about wholeness in the scriptures, read about mental health and healing in the scriptures, read about God’s faithfulness and promises in the scriptures. Whatever we want to know and fix about ourselves, let’s spend time trying to understand that through God’s perspectives.

It is necessary that as children of God, we stop fretting about what will happen tomorrow, where to go tomorrow, how to handle tomorrow because Jesus said that these are what heathens do, unbelievers do, pagans do, as shown in the scriptures.

We are not orphans, we have a father in heaven taking care of us and directing our steps, so that should be enough to drive out every fear in us, fear of lack of knowledge, fear of uncertainty. We are filled with the Spirit of love, power and sound mind, not filled with that of fear.

The more we walk with God and pursue His perspectives, the more we will begin to gain understanding for all our doubts, concerns and our steps.

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