Focused Faith

by | Jan 14, 2022 | Faith

Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” – Matthew 14:31
Transcript:Welcome to this beautiful day. Praying that we are growing in our faith and constantly increasing in our understanding of who God is, what He is speaking and where He is leading us each day. Certainly, there are several aspects of our lives where we want our faith to grow yet we find ourselves lacking in faith. Today we will understand the reason why our faith is sometimes little, incomplete and not up to the mark. There are many areas of our lives where our faith is not flourishing. We may have faith for our marriage but what about Parenting, we may have faith for our finances but what about our health, we may have faith for our walk with God but what about our Ministry. We need to have wholesome Faith. If there is any area where there is incomplete faith, we should want to address the root cause of that lack of faith in our lives.As in today’s verse, every time we hear of little faith, we always think is because of not knowing enough or not believing properly but Jesus has given a more accurate definition of little faith. Here Jesus was being imitated by Peter and walking on the same water as Jesus was and all of a sudden in that moment the wind and waves took his eyes off Jesus. He has never done this before nor any of the disciples. It was not the disciples who asked him to walk on the water, it was not his circumstance or even his own desires that qualified him to walk on water. What qualified him to walk on water was that Jesus himself walked on water and he also called him to walk on water. There was doubt added to Peters faith which corrupted the power of faith that he already had. Jesus looks at this faith and call its “Little Faith”. No matter how much we have walked with God and how high a mountain we have climbed, if there are areas where we are still questioning and if there are areas, we are still cynical in our faith, the Lord calls that little faith. Our faith is incomplete at times because we take away our attention from Jesus and place it on our circumstances. Share on XToday we come against every voice of the enemy or friends who are still on our boat and are criticizing, away from Gods promises for their lives but are still discouraging us and passing negative comments. We come against those type of voices in Jesus’ name. Let there be a spirit of overcoming in our hearts and mind and that Spirit will disconnect and completely diminish the voice of the enemy and as a result of this the seed of doubt in our spirits will die. As soon as doubt is buried, our faith becomes wholesome and be a complete 100% Faith.Prayer: Father thank you for your word today, it shows us a little faith is corrupted by doubt. There are so many worries that we have like our career, future, relationships. We pray that none of these will quench our faith and we will not let doubt get into our spirit. We speak the grace to have a spirit of conquering in Jesus’ name. Thank you for that dominion that we have as saints. In Jesus Mighty name we pray. Amen!  

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