Good & Perfect Gift

by | Oct 6, 2020 | Faith

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:17 NLT


The best proof of our love for God is when our faith is able to endure the test of time, temptations, and all the circumstances that we get surrounded by.  More often than not, our circumstances may be challenging and put on by the enemy in such a way that we may want to give up our relationship with God, but God wants to remind us that He is about to bless us in a beautiful and a special way in every season of our lives.

James 1:17 is talking about a good and perfect gift that comes from God. It is very understandable from reading the scripture that they are gifts and not just one singular gift as it is talking about ‘whatever that is coming from God’.  

The best and ultimate gift that we have ever received from God the Father is His own son, Jesus Christ. We also have to be attentive to notice, acknowledge and thank God for all the other good and perfect gifts that He gives us. 

Whatever blessings you believe the Lord has blessed you with, you have to believe that those blessings are good and perfect.  

According to Apostle James, God lives in an unapproachable light and He is the creator of all the lights in Heaven, and because of that;

1.  He never changes. Once He gives a word, He will keep His word.

2.  He does not cast a shifting shadow.  

Every light no matter how bright they may be, there will be some sort of a shadow if there is an object involved but the light of God is so powerful and multidimensional that there will be absolutely no shadow in His light. The Bible says that is how the gifts that the Lord gives us can function in our life that it will be so good and so perfect that there will be absolutely no trace of darkness, shadows, impurity, uncleanliness or lack of glory. 

May be not everything in our life is currently functioning perfect but our confessions, faith, trust and pursuit of God’s plan for our lives will bring out the good and perfect gift that God has blessed us with. 

So often we look at the gift and say it is not good, not perfect and not from God but that is not necessarily true, in fact, the gift was from God but we chose not to exercise our authority upon the gift. 

When Adam saw Eve for the very first time, he knew she was brought by God and he began to prophesy over her and whatever Adam spoke over Eve is what she became to him.

Today every gift you identify as a God given gift in your life, may you begin to confess that it is good and perfect gift that is specifically meant for you.

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