Land of Silence

by | Nov 22, 2022 | Faith, Presence

“If the Lord had not been my help, My soul would soon have dealt in the land of silence.” – Psalms 94:17 (NASB)


Good morning and greetings in Jesus name! Welcome to this beautiful new day! I hope that you have a word of praise, an expression of your love for the Lord. Today, if we are breathing, still alive, if we still have any bit of spirit and soul left within us, then we have a reason to express our gratitude and we have the means to bring glory to our creator, sustainer, the one who holds our life together. If it had not been for his help in our lives, if it was not been for his intervention at the right time, if it had not been for his grace leading, delivering, healing, and blessing us, we would not be here giving glory, praise, and honour to the Lord.

The psalmist captures the essence of what I am trying to say. In Psalm 94:17

If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would have dwelt in the land of silence.

The psalmist is expressing his gratitude, thanks to the Lord for becoming his help, fortress, shelter. It does not matter how accomplished you and I are today, how well established we are, how stable our family and our finances are, we have to remember that if the Lord had not been my help, if the blessing really did not come from the Lord, if he did not sustain me, if his word was not what was building and leading and directing my life, if the Lord had not been my help, I would have been a total mess. I would have been a total failure. I would have never made it thus far. It is only because he is our Ebenezer that we have made it thus far. We thank God for those successes, blessings, breakthroughs that we have already experienced. We give credit to where credit is due. We say that this is because of the Lord’s help. It is because the Lord worked in my life.

He says, if the Lord would not have worked in my life, then my soul would have dwelt in the land of silence. I love how the author is very graphic in expressing how his soul would have been deserted, isolated and in a very dry place. He is saying that if God would not have helped me, my soul would have lived in the land of silence. He is not saying that my spirit would not have communed with God, he is not saying my body would have suffered and lived in sickness, he is not saying that his physical circumstances would have been bad, but he is pointing inwardly to his soul; the state of his soul would have been a state of silence, a state where there is absolutely nothing coming out of that soul. The heart has become numb. There is no more praise, worship, adoration, coming out. There is no more expression of gratitude that is coming from within. Such a person is technically, spiritually dead because he is without breath.

The bible says “let everything that has breath praise the Lord”. But if we ever reach a place where we stop praising the Lord, where we enter into this land of silence, where there is absolutely no response to what God is speaking, doing, to the work of the Lord in our lives, then it means that we have spiritually died. The author is saying that if it had not been for God’s help in my life, if it was not for his grace, presence in my life, I would have spiritually died. My soul would have entered a phase of silence.

This morning, I am prophetically reaching out to those that are in the pit of silence, that are feeling numb on the inside, that are going through a season of dryness, I am speaking to you right now and I am releasing the grace to come out of that silence. I am releasing the grace to open your mouth wide and allow the Lord to fill you. I am releasing the grace to speak out even in your grave, to start moving even in the midst of absolute nothingness. You have the grace to fan into flames the tiny spark that is in your spirit. Instead of silencing the whisper in your heart, the still, small voice, I want you to now start speaking out loud, start speaking the praises of God, start speaking what God thinks about you, start speaking how you feel and believe and desire to be in your relationship with God, your physical and spiritual your family, start speaking the truth of what God has written and declared in your word about you. Because you my dear brother/sister are not supposed to live in the land of silence. That is a foreign land for a child of God. A child of God lives in the land of the living where people praise God, express their worship, where they testify, where they constantly respond back to God. One of the best ways you could do that is come and commune with other people that are expressive in their worship to God. You will automatically find the right language and expressions for the river that is flowing inside of you. May your season of silence finish starting today. May your season of abundance of words, expressions, praise and worship begin starting today. Because the Lord has come to help you. You will no longer live in the land of silence.


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