Laughter Erupting Faith
This is another opportunity to encounter God and to receive something from His presence afresh.
In the above verse, it shows that people laughed at Jesus and His faith-filled declaration.
This is very normal for us, if we are faith-filled believers who are looking at things in the physical realm that are naturally dead and when we speak life into dead things, then we will naturally be laughed at.
If for a long time, people around us haven’t laughed at or questioned us, then we need to worry about our faith and evaluate ourselves by asking ‘how have my confessions and declarations been in this season? Have I been part of the faithless crowd? Have I been laughing at others declaring faith?’
The mark of a true faith-filled man of God is that he will have a crowd who is going to laugh at him. Share on XJesus’ own disciples laughed at Him before He raised Lazarus from the dead.
Let’s not give up on our God given dreams and destinies just because they’ve been dead. We need to look at our challenges and situations from Heaven’s perspective. If we can look at things from God’s angle, then our confessions are going to be like Jesus’ confessions.
In the above verse, Jesus says the girl is just taking a nap. Physically that may not be true, but spiritually and in an eternal perspective, she was just taking a nap like Jesus said.
The moment we die, we wake up outside of time and into eternity. Jesus was speaking of an eternal reality in the physical death that was experienced by this girl and her family. In fact, the first thing Jesus did was kick out unbelief from the vicinity.
We too must kick out unbelieving people from our lives, cut ties from those laughing at our promises from God and keep those people at a distance from us.
We need to bring eternity into our physical challenges saying ‘this is not my last chapter, this is not powerful enough to bring a full stop to my story, there is still more to come in my life’.
As we declare Spirit-filled confessions, may God uphold us and may the powers of hell be shook by our powerful faith-filled declarations!
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