Reminder of Failure

by | Jan 19, 2021 | Faith

Finally, the king’s chief cup-bearer spoke up. “Today I have been reminded of my failure,” he told Pharaoh. – Genesis 41:9 NLT


Everyday, it’s the day that the Lord has made and so we need to believe that God has control over our day.

In Genesis chapter 4, it talks about the cupbearer who forgot about his promise to mention about Joseph to Pharaoh. And when he remembers, he tells Pharaoh how he failed to keep his promise.

Have you been forgotten or accused of doing something that you didn’t do?

In this case, let the Lord fight for you, when you do that He will remind people of their failures.

Let go of all the faults or mistakes of your spouse or of your parents and let the Lord convict them. But if you do that, it will only make them bitter and you – miserable.

The love that you show to the ones that have hurt you is more powerful than the bitterness you would have.

It was not the cupbearer who got Joseph out of the prison, but the divine remembrance from God and so Joseph was not obligated to the cupbearer, else he would have been a slave to him if he would have been released earlier.

May the Lord fight for you today!

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