Rich in Faith

by | Oct 8, 2020 | Faith

Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters. Hasn’t God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith? Aren’t they the ones who will inherit the Kingdom he promised to those who love him? – James 2:5 NLT


Welcome to this brand new day that the Lord has given us! Even as we continue our journey of faith, can we ask God to fill us with a fresh word and a fresh understanding of His Heart for us today? 

Did you know, the more we resist God’s working in our lives, the more we will miss out on His blessings in our lives! The more we think we can do it on own, the more we will miss out the unique things God wants to do in our lives? 

We may be at lack in certain areas of our lives in terms of our finances, health or relationships. 

It doesn’t matter how much lack you have but even in your lack learn to depend on God in those areas. 

James says that God has chosen those who are poor in the world, those who struggle in certain areas of their lives to be rich in faith. 

Your poverty in the world is what God uses to make you rich in faith. When you are poor in some areas of your life it automatically drives you to lean on and depend on God in those areas. 

If it is health, we depend on God for healing. If it is finances, we ask God to take care of our needs. 

Use those areas of poverty to become rich in faith! In spite of your need, the Lord will cause you to become rich in faith in the very same places where you feel incomplete or not enough. That is the blessing you and me enjoy. 

Greater the lack, more the dependency on God. The more dependency on God, the more stronger will be your faith.

As the rich faith comes, so will the promises. 

We usually think, the proof  of our faith is our physical wealth. That is not true. When heaven’s riches is unleashed on your life, there is no limit nor boundary to it. 

Will you trust God to do that for you?  Will you trust God to fashion you in a lifestyle of rich faith? 

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