Share the Faith
For this good news—that God has prepared this rest—has been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn’t share the faith of those who listened to God. – Hebrews 4:2
Good Morning & Welcome to this amazing new day! We need the strength, the wisdom, the ability that surpasses all our physical surroundings to actually continue to trust in the Lord. That He is faithful to do what he as promised us.
The Bible says in Hebrews 4:2, “For this good news that God has prepared this rest had been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn’t share the faith of those who listened to God.”
It’s speaking about the nation of Israel to whom there was a promise, there was a declaration, there was a revelation from God. That you are going to enter into a land of rest. The Bible says, but that promise, that declaration, that prophesy did them no good at all. It didn’t help them, it didn’t really change their life. It didn’t transform their destiny. It didn’t help them to achieve it, because they did not have faith. So no matter how much God has good intentions towards us, no matter how many good plans God is sketching out for your life. Unless we have the audacity to believe unless we have the courage the strength to stand up and say I receive it. Yes, that is mine that is who I am. That is my children, that is how my family will serve the Lord. That is how I will see revival in my city and nation. Unless we speak these words that are born in Faith. That is rooted and anchored in the personality and the character of God. We will not be able to see the fulfilment of these promises. It is necessary for this season that we don’t make the same mistakes that the Israelites made. It says that it did them no good. Every promise of God that is lying useless over your life. This morning the dormant promises are coming back to life. Every prophecy that is lying empty and wasted over your spirit this morning. I am declaring that those prophecies are coming back to life. These promises and prophecies are not energized by a prayer of an anointed man of God. It is energized by your faith. Your Faith is the fuel, is the nourishment is everything that it takes to see these promises all the way till the end. Let it t never be said about you and me that these promises did them no good. It says that they didn’t share the faith of those who listened to God.
Your faith is the fuel that drives you to the destination of the promises of God. Share on X
Today, can you find a few people that are in fact listening to God and are in fact growing in their faith? Can you intentionally work to share in their faith to be a part of that faith culture? You may also have to disconnect from people that speak words of disbelief. Because those people can cause their disbelief to be contagious and be imputed into you and on the contrary if you can constantly just have faith keep believing hope against hope. Let your confessions, let the words that you speak reflect that you trust in the promises of God over your life and eventually the promises will come to life.
The prophecies will begin to manoeuvre you into your destiny, will manoeuvre you into your specific promise, your specific précised location. That God has planned for you to enter into. You are not far away from your Canaan, but it is necessary that we don’t make the same mistake that the Israelites made. Their greatest mistake was one of unbelief and the one thing that is going to cost us heaven is unbelief, the one thing that is going to cost us all of righteousness and holiness and purity here on earth is unbelief. The one thing that is going to cost us our health, our wealth, our relationship is unbelief but on the contrary, if we can choose to believe. If we can choose to have faith and just stand on that word day in and day out. We are going to be more than conquerors. We are going to go into the land of Canaan take down the Giants one by one and we are going to possess the Land and bring glory and honour to God. These promises that God has given us, whether it is generic promises or specific promises. They require for us to be audacious, they require for us to be strong-willed people. They require for us to know our God and stand in our knowledge of who our God is may this word strengthen you today. May this Good News that God has prepared a rest for you that has been declared to you this morning. May this Good News do you good, may this Good News cause your Faith to increase and arise and be put into action.
May this day be an expression of your faith and your love and your trust in the Lord. Thank you for tuning in, will continue tomorrow morning.
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