Understand by Faith

by | May 6, 2022 | Faith

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:3 ESV


Greetings in Jesus name! Welcome to this amazing new morning!

Today, we have to learn how to walk by faith. We have to know that our sight is not enough, our feelings are not enough, our experiences are not enough. We need to walk with God by faith.

Hebrews 11:3 – “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.”

Let me break this verse down for each and every one of you. It says that we need faith to understand. The faith that we have in our spirit, is not just a commodity that we use when we are in trouble. It is not just a means to receive a particular breakthrough or blessing that we desire. The faith that God has placed on the inside of us is a revealer, it is a helper; it helps us to understand that the universe, the whole visible, tangible physical world around us was created by the word of God. The word of God is not something that we can see, touch, hear with our natural ears, but still, an intangible material called the word of God created everything that is tangible, everything that we can see, everything that we use in our daily life.

The verse goes on to say, “what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” In other words, everything that we can see is made out of invisible things.

We would consider ourselves wealthy or rich if there is a particular amount that we can see in our bank account. We would consider ourselves healthy if we see that the reports are in accordance to what the doctors want it to be. We would consider ourselves happy if our marriage, children, families are all working out in the way that we expected it to.

But for a child of God who lives by faith, what is seen (what they have in their marriage, what they have in their home) does not define who they are, because a child of God lives by faith. For a child of God the things that are not seen, the words that cannot be heard, the spiritual atmospheres that cannot be tangibly experienced are as real and as valuable as things that can be seen.

Because the child of God who walks by faith understands that everything that is seen is created out of things that are not visible, not tangible or physical in nature.

So many times, we may have this question of how can we trust in God; We don’t see him, feel him, we don’t get to hear him, smell him. All of our physical senses are useless in our pursuit of knowing this God. So how can we completely trust in him or depend on him?

Is this God going to come and cook in my kitchen and serve me when we need food? When we need to pay fees for our children’s school, is this God going to come down and pay the bills and pay the fees? When we need practical protection from our enemy, will he be our watchman standing outside my door protecting us from the enemy? When we need healing from our sickness, will he be the doctor that will come and treat us and do a surgery on our body? How do we trust a God who is intangible that is not necessarily experiential?

That is where the writer of Hebrews says, “we cannot please God without faith”. Because when we understand faith and activate faith we understand that the entire universe was created by the word of God. Which means that your provision, healing, blessings, protection are located in the voice of God. Everything that is visible and tangible comes from the things that are not tangible.

So, instead of going to that friend that you can see, go to the God that you cannot see and exercise your faith. Instead of going to the bank and trying to take out more loans to pay the previous loans, why don’t you go to God that you cannot see and you begin to exercise your faith for your provision to come through.

You like it or not, everything that is tangible in our world today, it could be the environment, the nature, the man-made things, our own infrastructure, every single thing or known matter has come into existence out of something that was not tangible or visible. It came forth when God said “let there be”. So, today, we will trust what God is saying and there can be provision created out of nothing. Your declarations, conversations, dialogues can create peace, a tangible, physical peace in the environment that you live in. Your intangibles have greater power and that is how faith works. We, as children of God, do not live by sight but we live by faith.


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