Father and Defender
Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy. – Psalms 68:5
This podcast is a repost, originally posted on Nov 24, 2017
Series: Experience God’s Nearness
God declares the fact that He is the Father to the fatherless, He is the defender of widows.
The Lord has identified Himself as the Father, not only in the New Testament. But, we understand that God is the Father because of what Jesus explained to us about God the Father. When Jesus taught us to pray ‘Our Father in Heaven’, when Jesus told us about His Father in Heaven, that’s when we first got the idea of God being ‘our Father’.
The Bible talks about Him being the Father from the very beginning. He was the Father to Adam, Father to Cain even when Cain had sinned & rebelled and when he had been rejected by God. God was still a Father to him.
He was a Father to Enoch, to Noah, Father in Abraham’s life. God was the Father figure in Job’s life, Job didn’t have a mentor.
God was the Father in David’s life. David’s earthly father didn’t even think of David to be qualified enough to be called for a family dinner when the prophet of the nation was coming to their house.
David technically had a father, but wasn’t there for him or care about him or celebrate him, so David in a sense didn’t have a father figure in his life. That’s where we see that God was his Father.
All throughout the scripture, not just in the New Testament, after Jesus introduced His Father as our Father, but even in the Old Testament the Bible says that ‘ He is the Father to the Fatherless ‘.
We don’t need a man to feel significant, we don’t need an institution to feel significant, or financial security to feel significant, it is understandable that sometimes to be without support or to be alone or to be without security can be a little unnerving but that’s why it is said that ‘He is a Father to the fatherless and the defender of widows ‘.
Who does a widow have in this world? When her husband dies, she gets disconnected from her husband’s family. When she got married, she was already disconnected from her own family and now maybe she has her children to take care of or her own needs to take care of and there’s nobody left to take care of her, or fight for her, to protect her, lead her and guide her. That is where the Bible says that He is our God, our Father, the defender of the widows.
He has promised to be our Father and defender. Be aware of His nearness to us.
The more we become aware of how near God is to us, the more we will begin to depend upon His nearness.
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