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by | Dec 2, 2021 | Fatherhood

And now, dear children, remain in fellowship with Christ so that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from him in shame. – 1 John 2:28

Whether we believe it or not, we are loving in the last days. The same Jesus that has been revealed to us in scripture, we are going to see him and be face to face with him. If we believe this is true how are we preparing for this and what are we doing today to actively be in alignment with Gods purposes for our lives. There are only two responses that Christians will have when they see Jesus. We need to remember that even those who belong to Jesus are the ones who will be taken up.

In today’s verse, John is writing to his Spiritual Children to remain in fellowship with Christ. This is what we need to do to stay in touch with heaven. We cannot just be church-going or be close to our Pastor but be also be In touch with Christ so that when he does return, we will look at him with courage and not shrink back in shame. There are two responses to those who will see Jesus. The first category will be excited to welcome him and the second are those who will shrink back in shame because they know that they have disappointed him because the moment they see Jesus they will see their failures and what they could have become. They begin to see what they could have been if they had not skipped Church, a time in Gods presence, prayer and Bible reading.

To stay in touch with heaven we need to remain in fellowship with Christ. Share on X

We like to think everyone will be excited and happy to see Jesus but Some people will be ashamed to meet Jesus. Praying today that everyone who remains in fellowship with Jesus will have such reverence and fear that we will embrace him when we see him and be excited to have a fresh encounter with him because we have been familiar with him already. He will not be strange to us but We will have oil in our lamp and the right garment on and be excited and prepared because we have been abiding in Him and bearing fruit for his name. We need to understand that we do not have to do this on our ability and strength but by the help of the Holy Spirit in us. He helps us remain in fellowship with Jesus Christ. We are going to be able to have a better life and a higher standard because of the help of the Holy Spirit. If we do not have the HolySpirit we cannot remain in fellowship with Christ and it is because of Him that we can do what we can do.

Prayer: Lord we pray that the courage you are giving us today will be contagious even to the family members and the church members. Let them catch this desire to be in Jesus to receive from him, be familiar with him and receive from Him in Jesus name.

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