Reflecting the Father
Today the Lord is giving us a new thing. The Lord is helping us experience a powerful blessing in each and every area of our lives. Today we cannot disregard what God is speaking and releasing into our lives.
When we depend on ourselves to make our own choices and decisions, we will not be successful in the way that we live life. We may make a lot of money, we may have a lot of good friends and yet we will not be successful in heavens standards. Our purpose or our motive here on earth is not just to be happy or live a normal life. Our purpose is to live a life that will bring glory to God even in tiny details like eating your food or drinking your water. Isn’t that what Paul said whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do it all for the glory of God. How can something as routines or as normal as eating your food and drinking water bring honour and glory to God?. It will happen when we depend on God for each choice, each decision, each activity that we engage in If you will choose to depend on God for His leadership, for His guidance, for His help.
Jesus said in John chapter 5:19, I will tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself, He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.
That was the lifestyle of Jesus. He chose to restrict himself just doing those things that will bring glory to His Father, that will reflect what the Father was already doing, saying, speaking and desiring. so Jesus chose to wait on His Father. He chose to look or gaze at what His Father is doing and then He chose to imitate it and then chose to follow the things that His Father was already doing.
In this season, the Lord is calling you and me to a lifestyle like that when we cannot do anything by ourselves. We are taught a lot of things from the time we been born into this world by our parents, our churches, our friends, the people that have influenced us, they have taught us to do a lot of things by ourselves, how to select good clothes, what kind of food to eat, what kind of decisions to make when it comes to your money. They all have influenced you in a good or in a bad manner and there is nothing wrong with all of that. Then we may become disciplined to continue to go to God and say God today what should I wear? today how should I react? today will you please prepare me for what lies ahead during the day, today will you teach me how to speak to my wife? , today will you help me to talk to my children in a certain manner, will you give me the grace to carry your presence even when am grocery shopping. we can just depend on God like that. Say that I can’t do anything by myself. It is a spirit of pride when we say that I can hand this. I don’t need to pray about this. I don’t need to depend on anybody else for this. Yes, you don’t need to depend on anybody else. But you do need to depend on God. You do need to see what your father is saying, what he is doing and what he is releasing, what he is demonstrating in your life.
The more that we mature in the spirit, it is necessary that we learn to depend on God for every tiny decision of our lives. Share on XJesus said that the Son does only sees His Father doing. So this is an invitation for you and me to constantly gaze at what our Father is doing. It is an invitation for us to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the author and the perfecter of our faith. It is an invitation for us to be lead by the Holy Spirit who is the gift of God inside us. Who is supposed to lead us into all truth, guide us, comfort us and help us in every season of our lives? If we will choose to just see what God is doing, keep our eyes open to see what our Father is doing. If we are intentional to seek, automatically what we see will become our lifestyle. It will become the things that we will begin to imitate, emulate and even follow in each and every area of our life. The reason we are living so directionless in so many seasons of our lives is that we are not looking at what the Father is doing. we are not looking at what the Son is speaking. We are not attentive to how the Holy Spirit is leading us or feeling at this particular point in time. The Lord wants to open our sensitivity today. Our seeing is part of our senses, our hearing is part of our senses, our feeling is part of our senses. Just like your body has physical senses, your spirit has spiritual senses and the Lord wants to open your spiritual sensitivity so that you can see like never before, you can experience like never before, you can encounter God like never before, you can taste Him like never before, and the more you see, the more you experience, the more you enjoy, the more you will begin to reflect, the more you will begin to manifest, the more the word will now become flesh in your life. Jesus said whatever the Father does, the Son also does. That is my pursuit in this season that whatever the father does I would like to do, what all the son speaks, I would like to speak. However Holy Spirit likes to lead, I would like to be lead. May that become your prayer and your cry this day and for the rest of your weekend. May the Lord be with you in all that you do.
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