Fill Me Up – Jake Watkins & Sean Frizzell
Romans 15:13
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I’ll provide the sacrifice
If you pour out your spirit
And I will open up insideFill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up GodIf you provide the fire
I’ll give you something to burn
I’ll provide the sacrifice
If you provide the spirit
If you pour out your spirit
And I will open up inside
And I will open up inside
So fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up
Oh fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up
So love of God overflow
Permeate all my soul
Love of God overflow
Permeate all my soul
Love of God overflow
Permeate all my soul
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
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