Already Forgiven

by | Forgiveness

(1 John 2:2, GNB)

”And Christ himself is the means by which our sins are forgiven, and not our sins only, but also the sins of everyone.”


God is assuring us this day that his forgiveness is for each and every one of our sins. It is not just about Christians or believers but about the sins of everyone. Sometimes when we do certain things and we are guilty about it, we try to do everything possible to try and prove to God that now I am worthy of forgiveness, love, validation, and approval from heaven. Here, God says that it is not because of anything that we will ever do that we will receive forgiveness. We can never do anything to try and buy forgiveness from the Lord. It is only and only in Christ and through Christ and in what he has accomplished for us that we receive forgiveness. That is why we cannot allow our guilt to become the driving force for our service to God. We pray, give, and worship because we love him, we love the grace that he has shown towards us, and we love the fact that he has unconditionally poured out his love upon us and he has forgiven our sins already.

Jesus took the wrath of God upon himself; the anger of God, the judgment of God on sin, he took it upon himself and he died a very cruel death on the cross. People didn’t kill him, he gave up his own life as a sacrifice, as an offering for our sin. Now, when we are trying to serve God or trying to put offerings or burn candles to try and somehow erase the guilt from our hearts and to clean our conscience, we are trying to take the place of that sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross.

In other words, the sins of every person in the world are already paid for. There is nothing else that Jesus needs to do for them to be saved. All that we need to do is bring them into that knowledge and understanding. When they believe, they can also be saved in the same way that you and I are saved by our belief in Christ when we trust in Christ. When the scripture says “not just our sins but the sins of everyone,” it has to bring us into this sense of responsibility that “now I need to become a preacher of this ‘good news’ that I have been forgiven, your sins can also be forgiven.” When they see the same revelation that I already have, they will experience the same freedom that I experience. That has to urge us to now become a preacher of this “good news.”

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