Dressing of Figs

by | Nov 7, 2022 | Fruitfulness

Then Isaiah said, “Prepare a dressing from figs.” Hezekiah’s servants did so and put it on the skin sores, and Hezekiah got better. – Isaiah 20:7 (FBV)


Good morning and greetings in Jesus’ name. Welcome to this amazing new week. The Lord is so merciful, kind and generous. Every time he reveals his heart and his mind and when we understand how the Lord functions, how we can pleas him, how we can walk in favor with him, we can get tremendous access into the supernatural realm. Every time we receive an instruction, we get a blessed word, in church or otherwise, we are accessing the mind of God, but the problem with many of us is, we hear the supernatural and are satisfied with that and refuse to receive practical, physical, natural wisdom from the Lord himself.

Let me explain, when we go to the book of 2 Kings chapter 20, we see story where Hezekiah is fatally ill and we can see the prophet Isaiah tells him he is about to die and Hezekiah cried and cried, until the Lord turned Isaiah back into the palace to tell him “don’t worry the Lord is healing you” The Lord supernaturally healed Hezekiah and gave him prophetic signs to prove and confirm the fact that the healing is letting him live for 15 years, so that is the supernatural element in this story, where God gave him the word, healed him, blessed him and extended his lifestyle, yet there was a practical wisdom he had to receive from the Lord. for healing to manifest.
Let me read from, 2 Kings 20:7, then Isaiah said, “Prepare a dressing from figs.” Hezekiah’s servants did so and put it on the skin sores, and Hezekiah got better. Do you see what is happening here? This is a man who had received supernatural touch, received a healing from the Lord, a healing an extension of life from the Lord, yet Isaiah says “now here is an instruction, a specific physical instruction to be applied in the natural realm. The instruction is to prepare a dressing from figs and apply it to the sores Hezekiah developed and as a result of them obeying Isaiah.
The problem with many of us is that we have received something from the Lord, we have had that supernatural encounter, yet we are not in alignment with supernatural order, for some of us, it might be not eating well or sleeping enough or eating well. God has healed you but you are not taking care of your health in the way you should be taking care of your health. For some of us it might be that God has blessed you with wealth and you are not wise in your spending, wise in your giving or wise in finance dealings.
For others it could be God is speaking to you, yet you are not submitted to an Isaiah, to a leader in the natural realm. As much as you are having encounters with God, you are to submit in the physical realm. For someone it could be, you are receiving great things from the Lord, growing in the Lord and you are not equally submitting to your husband or spiritual or physical parents, because of which there is a lack in healing or provision or wholeness or blessing in your life,
Even though God promised Hezekiah healing and extension of his life and though God had promised victory over his enemies, he still had to do things in the physical realm, to restructure his life. He still had to apply the paste of figs, he still had to obey Isaiah. He still had to start doing things in the physical realm to align himself to the prophetic word of the Lord. So today, it is not enough you just say yes and amen to the blessing over your life, your family, I want you to examine yourself. Look for areas where you have not aligned yourself physically or practically.
If the lord has promised that you will be wealthy, start planning your finances well, if the lord has promised healing, then start exercising, going for a walk daily, eating well, sleeping well, start preparing your body for healing in the physical realm. If the Lord has prised you a blessed marriage, find out those areas where you are not submitted or not aligned properly, and start fixing those areas because the Lord is inviting you to wear a dress of figs, the Lord is asking you to do this.
In this story, we see Isaiah who is asking Hezekiah to do this, but the voice behind Isaiah’s instruction is the Lord’s. The servants identified it, Hezekiah identified it, and I hope you and I can identify the Lord speaking with us. Even if it looks like something common, very much usual or normal like telling you to eat well or sleep well, it is the Lord asking you to fix certain things in the physical realm so we can tap into things in the supernatural realm. Lets pray.


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