Fruit of Your Works

by | Nov 28, 2022 | Fruitfulness

“He waters the mountains from his room. The earth is filled with the fruit of your works” – Psalms 104:13 (WMB)


Good morning and greetings in Jesus’ name. Welcome to this beautiful new morning and new week! I hope that the Lord has been good to you! I hope that you are continually growing in abundance, fruitfulness, multiplication, and continuing to increase the little that you already have, and being faithful and growing in your understanding, your character, revelation of who your God is.

Let me read out a scripture and let me speak a blessing over you today. Psalm 104:10

Our father in heaven who Jesus called the gardener. It says “He sends springs into the valleys. He makes them run among the mountains They give drink to every animal of the field. The wild donkeys quench their thirst. The birds of the sky nest by them. They sing among the branches. He waters the mountains from his rooms. The earth is filled with the fruit your works. He causes the grass to grow for the livestock and the plants for the man to cultivate, that he may produce food out of the earth, win that makes the heart of man glad, oil to make his face to shine, and bread that strengthens man’s heart. The Lord’s tress are well watered like the ciders of Lebanon which he has planted. Amen.

We are talking of about the handiwork of the good, best gardener in the whole world and that is our father in heaven. This text begins with how the Lord sends springs into the valleys. Valleys are those seasons of our lives which are low. These are those seasons of our lives that we do not want to talk about. They are not the testimonies, mountain-high experiences. Yet, the bible says our good gardener, father in heaven sends springs into the valleys. He knows how to make you fruitful even in your seasons of grief, mourning, failure, of brokenness. He knows how to make sure your valleys are still nourished and cherished and cared for.

Then, the bible goes on to say that these springs run among the mountains. The peculiarity of the spring is that it gives drink to every animal in the field; the donkeys, birds, all of them are quenched because of this spring. The same spring that brings you life, encouragement. It is going to cause your environment to thrive. It is going to cause other prisoners who are locked in with you to be free of their shackles. The same springs that bring food and water, blessings, and favour to you are going to cause your family members to be elevated. It is going to cause great favour upon your city and your nation.

It goes on to say “He waters the mountains from his rooms”. This water that is flowing to us is not coming from a very ordinary place, it is coming from his rooms; his throne room. If you read the book of Revelation 22:1,2.

The river of life flows from the throne of God and it flows into every nook and corner of the city of new Jerusalem. Wherever the river flows, there is life, life-giving fruit, plants, leaves that are grown on both sides of the river. I believe, today, this same spring flows from his rooms. He waters the mountains from his rooms. Because of which the earth is filled with the fruit of your works.

Can you imagine what will happen as a result of you receiving this grace, spring from the rooms of heaven? It says that your environment is now going to be filled with the fruit of God’s labour. This is not a fruit of what you have done. This is going to be a fruit of his works that is going to fill our environment. The earth is going to be filled with the fruit of your works. I believe that everywhere you turn today, whether it is the left or right, front or the back you will see and witness the fruit of his works.

This month is about to finish, but I do believe that your fruits will last, the fruits that God is going to bring forth in your life if going to last. The faithfulness that he is birthing in you in this season will last. The character transformation that he has brought forth in you is going to last. The change in your attitude, behaviours, thought process, freedom that you received from your addictions and your habits are going to stand the test of time and you are free. Because “whom the son sets free is free indeed“.

Let me finish with the next couple of verses. It says that God causes the grass to grow for the livestock. I declare over you right now that your livestock, businesses, careers will have enough grass to feed on, in Jesus name, That there are going to be plants for men to cultivate, that there will be food that will be produced out of the earth so that you can eat. It goes on to say that there will be wine that makes the heart of man glad, oil to make his face to shine, bread that will strengthen the man’s heart.

This is the result of fruitfulness. It over flows into every area, aspect, sphere, dimension that you are involved in. May this blessing of fruitfulness be your portion today and for the rest of this season. This month may be getting over but this fruit is going to last forever.


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