Set Apart for the Lord

by | Nov 23, 2022 | Fruitfulness

“King David set those things apart for the Lord. He had done the same thing with the silver and gold he had taken from other nations. The nations were Edom, Moab, Ammon, Philistia and Amalek.” – 1 Chronicles 18:11 (NIRV)


Good morning and greetings in Jesus’ name!
Welcome to this beautiful new day!
I hope that the Lord is continuing to make you fruitful in this season. May you see the grace, the favour, the glory of God everywhere you step.
Sometimes it requires somebody with a spiritual discernment to understand what the Lord is doing in our circumstances.
When we look around, we may only see catastrophes, sometimes sorrow or sadness. But somebody, whose eyes are open, will be able to see what the Lord is speaking, doing and accomplishing in and through our daily lives, with the encounters with the people around us, our commitments at our workplaces and our relationships at home.

We know the story of how the Lord was always with Joseph in his time in Egypt, even though he didn’t see results in his own life. Because of this, there was fruitfulness in the lives of other people that associated with him.

The same was the story of King David, who before he became king, lived in the wilderness for almost a couple of decades, wandering from one place to another. During this time there were many people who attached themselves to King David, although he was a nomad, with no home or an established army, a government, or any money and in fact even had to request people to feed his army! That was when he rose to power!
In the midst of nothingness, he continued to persevere and the Lord blessed him.

Now the question to be asked here is, how do we respond to all the fruitfulness, all the victories that God has given us? How do we react after we are blessed? Anyone can depend on the Lord when they have nothing, or when He’s all they have. When we start being blessed or fruitful, whether we continue to go back to God or are content with everything we’ve received from Him, is a big statement of whether we are truly faithful in our pursuit of God.

In 1Chr18:11, it says, “King David set those things apart for the Lord. He had done the same thing with the silver and the gold that he had taken from other nations: Edom, Moab, Ammon, Philistia and Amalek”. It’s talking about all the nations that David had authority over, exercised victory and dominion over. They were bringing tribute to David, so that he could be wealthy, increase his kingdom, increase trade, business and development in the nation of Israel.
Yet, the Bible says that, he set all these gifts apart for the Lord’s work and purposes because he understood that his victory, anointing, blessing and grace for dominion came from the Lord.

Do you think that God would have been upset with David had he spent some of the money on himself, his children, his army, or for the welfare of the nation, or to build a prosperous nation; roads, irrigation, water and sewage systems or homes for the people.? Absolutely not! He set apart 100% of the profits of victory for the Lord.
He wanted to build a house for God and set all the money aside so that his son Solomon could build a house for the Lord, which could host the presence of God.

Now, you need to ask yourself, what the purpose of God for your life is and for a revelation of what He wants you to do on the Earth. You need to take a stock of all the victories that God is giving you in this season and set apart a 100% income, time, efforts and energy, blessings and breakthroughs that come, to serve, fund, sponsor and bless the purposes of God for your life and your purpose in this city and nation.

Let’s pray together: Father, we learn from the life of King David, who set apart all the money, the gold, the silver that he received from his battles with all these nations around him, how he set it apart to serve the purposes of God for his life. We pray that we will not just depend on you when we have nothing but we will keep coming back to you even when we have everything. And we will have the grace to set everything apart to serve your will for our lives. Thank you for speaking to us today. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


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