God’s Guarantee

Mar 8, 2018 | Podcast, Worship

Ephesians 1:14
“The Spirit is God’s guarantee that He will give us the inheritance He promised and that He has purchased us to be His own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify Him.”

Series: Praise in Ephesians

The more we listen to God’s voice, the more we will have our hearts opened to live a life of praise and worship to God.

We have been studying few verse from the book of Ephesians that are dedicated to praise.

Today we will look into Ephesians 1:14 which says – “The Spirit is God’s guarantee that He will give us the inheritance He promised and that He has purchased us to be His own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify Him.”

Here’s another beautiful reason as to why we need to praise God. The Holy Spirit is God’s guarantee that you will receive when you invite Him in your heart.

When you became the part of God’s family, you automatically have received an inheritance in the spirit realm. But right now you don’t have this inheritance in your hands yet, but you have the Holy Spirit as the guarantee that this inheritance is coming.

We are God’s very own possession. And the more we understand this, the more our priority begins to shift and we will begin to change and reflect how God wants us to live and to be seen by the world. This is made possible by the Holy Spirit. And this He does so that we can glorify God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

Do take time to thank the Holy Spirit for all the ways that He has made to receive this special inheritance so that you don’t have to live poor and experience the poverty of your spirit. Thank Him because He has made a way so that you can receive continually from God’s favour and His richness towards you and  of every spiritual blessing and His grace. All of this is available for you and the Holy Spirit is the one who brings it to you.

Make sure you don’t ignore His presence in your life. Thank Him, welcome Him ad celebrate Him, because the more you do, the more you will receive from the person of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you!

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