Lack Nothing

by | Goodness

(Deuteronomy 2:7 RSV)

“For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands; he knows your going through this great wilderness; these forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.’” 


The Lord’s favour and blessings constantly rest upon us. We may go through the valley of shadow of death, yet the one thing that remains constant is the goodness and grace of God over our lives. Sometimes, we look at the circumstances and believe the lie that the enemy tells us that the Lord is not blessing us anymore, or that His favour or His presence has left us. Don’t fall prey to such lies. Even when we are struggling in certain areas of our lives, the blessing of God is still on us.

Deuteronomy 2:7 is a blessing and promise over our lives. Even when there are struggles, thistles, and burdens, the Lord’s blessing is still there upon all the work of our hands. Whatever we put our hands on is already blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. God is not unaware of our failures, disobedience, and complaints. God knows when we are going through the wilderness and He is with us in our highs and lows. God has kept His promise to be with us. The context of this verse is that the Israelites thought that they had lacked in the wilderness. But God still says, ‘You have lacked nothing’. May this become our story and blessing. It doesn’t matter how our life circumstances are, we will be like David when he said, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want”.

God is promising to bless us, He understands us, and He has been with us. If we feel like the promises of God and our circumstances don’t add up, be assured that if God was with the Israelites who complained and disobeyed all through the wilderness, He will be with us too, who are washed by His blood and redeemed. He will be with us till the end and will not forsake us. We haven’t lacked anything in our past, we don’t lack anything in our present, and won’t lack anything in the future too.

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