For Your Comfort
(2 Corinthians 1:6 RV)
“But whether we be afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or whether we be comforted, it is for your comfort, which worketh in the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer:”
May we receive a freshness from God that will cause our souls to be renewed, our minds to be more alert, and our spirits to be more active and energized.
In 2 Corinthians 1:6, Apostle Paul speaks to the church of Corinth and tells them that there are two different circumstances that they go through and two different types of outcomes of their ministry and work. When they preach, sometimes people love them, celebrate them, receive them into their homes and there is a great revival. The second outcome is that when they preach, people don’t like them, want to hurt them physically and emotionally, and even kill them. The only type of trouble that we can welcome and praise God for is the persecution that comes as a result of our preaching the goodness, or being bold about our witness and testimony of Jesus Christ. This is a glorious thing because great is your reward in heaven. That is why we can live happily and content even when we are going through various trials because of our ministry.
The second scenario is when we are comforted; when the Lord has provided for our needs, and blessed us, we are welcomed into homes, and constantly covered and taken care of. That is also for the people’s comfort. Apostle Paul says, in both ways, their lives were going to bring the people comfort. At no point is he asking the people to also suffer like him. This comfort has to be worked out. It works in the patient enduring of the same suffering that they suffer. There is a grace that we can receive comfort, blessings, and revelation when we patiently endure certain kinds of suffering. It’s a natural question that people ask, ‘Why am I going through this?’ and sometimes end up comparing themselves to others and wondering how God can allow this in their lives. Apostle Paul was instead willing to release a blessing, joy, and peace upon the people, so when he was afflicted the people were comforted and when he was comforted, the people were still comforted. May you have the same comfort. May you not have to go through the challenges that your men of God go through. May you have abundance, increase, and revelation to stay happy and filled with joy in the mighty name of Jesus.
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