Glorious Grace

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Grace

So we praise God for the glorious grace that he has poured out on us who belong to his dear son. – Ephesians 1:6


Greetings to you in Jesus’ name! Let’s pray that today, we will experience the grace of God in an increasing measure. There is absolutely no limit to how much grace we can receive from the Lord. The only thing that stops us, is our lack of revelation or lack of worship or our lack of having a grateful heart for every thing that the Lord wants to give us.

In the book of Ephesians 1:6, Paul makes this declaration, he says “So we praise God for the glorious grace that he has poured out on us who belong to his dear son.” The first truth we can learn from this declaration is the grateful and the worship filled heart that the apostle Paul carries. So today, it is necessary to give thanks and worship our God for everything he has done, every blessing he’s given us. It is not only for us to enjoy, but also, to bring glory and worship back to God with that blessing that he’s given us. Paul continues to say, that he praises God for the glorious grace, that we’ve inherited from the Lord. There is nothing that we need on the earth that this grace does not cover. Our healing, provision, identity, relationships, love, and fellowship…everything we need is covered in this atmosphere of glorious grace.

May we learn how to turn every blessing that God has given us into an atmosphere of praise and worship. Share on X

Let’s come to the presence of God and thank him, because there is grace available for every situation that we see ourselves in. God will not position us in a place, without giving us the ability, strength and capacity to function in that area.

Paul says that God is pouring his grace on us. If we will come to God, hungry, receptive, willing, and available, he is going to cover us in this grace. There is going to be no area of our life that will fall outside the covering of this grace. Now, let’s picture ourselves standing under a waterfall, where we are submerged under the heaviness that is flowing all over us. This is a tiny representation of God’s glorious grace that is being poured out. But yet, Paul says it is not for everybody! It is poured out on us, who belong to Jesus, the dear son of God. Do we believe that we belong to Jesus? Do we have a revelation of our identity or where we are rooted or which community we are a part of? Jesus died on the cross as a ransom for our sins and he purchased us with his blood. Jesus has exclusive right over our heart, soul, mind, all our resources, because everything belongs to Jesus. And, when we willingly surrender and give mastery over our life to him, the glorious grace is poured out and there wouldn’t be anything in our life, that is not touched by this grace.

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