Hear this praises from a grateful heart
Each time I think of You the praises start
Love You so much, Jesus
Love You so much
Lord, I love You, my soul sings
In Your presence carried on Your wings
Love You so much, Jesus
Love You so much
How my soul longs for you
Longs to worship You forever
In Your power and majesty
Lift my hands, lift my heart
Lift my voice towards the heavens
For You are my sun and shield
Hear this praises from a grateful heart
Each time I think of You the praises start
Love You so much, Jesus
Love You so much
Lord, I love You, my soul sings
In Your presence, carried on Your wings
Love You so much, Jesus
Love You so much
I believe that the month of March is going to be a month of change of seasons in many people’s life. It is a new beginning that God is going to bring in many of your life. Wherever you are listeinng from, beleive and enter in this month with the firm belief that God is about to do something new.
We hope you enjoy this worship set by Alex Benjamin at Face2Face Foundation. Come to church prepared to LOVE Jesus!
If you have any prayer requests, do write to us, we would love to pray for you.
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