Fed & Satisfied
(Psalm 81:16 NIRV)
“But you would be fed with the finest wheat. I would satisfy you with the sweetest honey.”
There are many new things that God wants to deposit into our life, heart, mind, and destiny. Whenever the Lord wants to move in our lives, he will give us a timely word so that we don’t lose time and opportunities to reach our destiny as soon as possible.
In Psalms 81:16, the Lord is promising us the finest of wheat. We will always be fed and receive the food we need. It’s not just about something we will enjoy the most but the food God is about to give us is His voice. The Lord is promising the finest of encounters. He will reveal the secrets, mysteries, and revelations of heaven that no eyes have seen, ears have heard and mind has imagined to those who love and wait on Him and want to hear Him. Tuning into His voice is going to make us victorious. The Lord says ‘I will satisfy you with the sweetest honey’. The presence of Jesus is the sweetest honey. The encounters that we will receive in this season will not just be knowledge or revelation, it is going to be real. The word will now become flesh. There might be things that we think can satisfy us, but they are not worth it compared to the way the Lord can satisfy us.
The Lord will not withhold anything from us if we are hungry for an encounter with Him and want to experience His nearness. The more we come closer to Jesus, He comes to us. If we are going to take that first step today then all of heaven is going to come near to us and we will experience such sweetness and fragrance of His presence. Let’s fix our gaze on Jesus because He is promising us the finest of wheat and the sweetest honey.
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