Not Empty Handed
(1 Thessalonians 2:19 NCV)
“You are our hope, our joy, and the crown we will take pride in when our Lord Jesus Christ comes.”
Let us remember that none of the ministry or service that we do today is going to go in vain. Sometimes when one serves the Lord, it may look like there’s no fruit, like no one says ‘thank you’, or that there are no results immediately, or that nothing seems to be changing. Remember that our work in the Lord is going to be our greatest reward and joy when Jesus comes back.
Apostle Paul talks about it in 1 Thessalonians 2:19 and is not ashamed to talk about it. He writes to the church that he ministered to. He was looking at the labor of his hands, and telling them ‘You are our hope’. The return of Jesus is our hope; yet Paul looks at the church, sees that they are not perfect, and tells them that they were his hope. Our service to God is our hope, no matter how small it is. This labor is what we will stand with when Jesus returns. Apostle Paul goes on to say, ‘You are our joy’. He knows that his joy ought to be in the Lord, yet he says this. So, let’s seek joy in the labor that we do to serve the Lord in obedience to the call of the Lord. He also says, ‘You are our crown’. The Crown is a symbol of authority and shows that you have power and influence. Paul is calling the people who are the product of his ministry his crown. This is exactly what Jesus will give us – the crown of life!
May we have the same revelation as Apostle Paul in our walk with God. God is not insecure when we look at our ministry and call it our hope, joy, and crown. When Jesus comes, can we take pride in anything? Yet Paul takes pride in the work he has done unto Him. When we stand before Jesus, let’s not stand empty-handed like that person who had one talent and hid it without multiplying it. May the Lord entrust a ministry into our hands and may we multiply it and be found faithful.
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