Shame, the Teacher

by | Instruction

(Psalms 83:17 TLV)
“Cover their faces with shame, so they may seek Your Name—Adonai.”


Wherever we are in life, God is going to have victory and an outstanding glorious encounter not just with us but even with our situations, even with enemies or people that are against us and fighting us as the scripture says, if God is for us then who can be against us.
Psalm 83 is a Psalm of vengeance, where the Psalmist is praying to God for vengeance against those people who are hurting the nation of Israel. He is identifying how these people are coming together to plan and plot to make sure that the nation of Israel doesn’t even exist on earth. These people are trying their best to hurt not just the people of God but they are fighting against God. So the psalmist is inviting the Lord’s help in these matters, seeking for help. He is saying, we are unable to overcome this battle on our own but if you come on our side and fight for us then we will be victorious. Psalm 83:17, he prays ”I hope that they will be so defeated and destroyed that they will end up seeking your name.” There are some people with whom God expresses his love. Some seek God for the blessings and provisions of God and some seek God because of the judgements and punishments of God. If we can respond to the mercy of God and change, repent, and embrace the lover of our souls. That is the best way to do it. But just in case we don’t understand the language of love and the blessings don’t appeal to us anymore.
The Lord is saying that there is another way for me to reach you and it is to cover your face with shame, to cover your whole life with a bad reputation before God, people, demons, circumstances, family, and relatives.  Let’s hope that nobody comes to the extent of having been hurt every day. Some of us have gone too far and are taking too long detours and turns and we are just trying to go round and round to the same issues and challenges. The Lord is saying I know how to reach with love and I also know how to reach to you with shame. But the choice is yours. Let’s quickly respond to God when there is still mercy available.

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