The Visionary & The Vulnerable Leader

In today’s leadership podcast, Pastor Priji talks about a how God has called us to be a visionary and a vulnerable leader, explaining from the life of Eli & Samuel. This is not just for a positional leader, but for those who believe that you are a leader & an influencer called by God. Do listen and share.

1 Samuel 3:1-3 HCSB – The boy Samuel served the Lord in Eli’s presence. In those days the word of the Lord was rare and prophetic visions were not widespread. One day Eli, whose eyesight was failing, was lying in his room. Before the lamp of God had gone out, Samuel was lying down in the tabernacle of the Lord, where the ark of God was located.

The boy Samuel served the Lord in Eli’s presence. In those days the word of the Lord was rare and prophetic visions were not widespread. One day Eli, whose eyesight was failing, was lying in his room. Before the lamp of God had gone out, Samuel was lying down in the tabernacle of the Lord, where the ark of God was located.”

A leader is not only the one who is positional but the one who is able to influence the other. When Jesus appointed His disciples, He gave them authority to influence others. He called out for them from just being fishermen to redirect and influence men in His path. Let us understand our calling and be firm and responsible. We will never be able to see the full extents of our seeds sown in leadership until eternity. The way you speak, pray, worship, spend time has an influence on the people around. It is necessary to become purposeful and intentional in our lifestyle and leadership.

In this context, the first time Samuel was called by the Lord, he ran to Eli enquiring whether he had called him. The next time Samuel was called, he was confused and he ran back to Eli assuming he had called him. The third time this happened, Eli said to Samuel that he was not calling him but the Lord was, so he must respond to the voice. With reference to the scripture, Eli was called to be a positional leader but his eyesight was failing. In most times, what we experience in our natural world is the sense of our spiritual realm. Their leadership was deteriorating because of poor vision for God and the word of the Lord became rare and eventually it resulted in being manmade.

The greatest danger point we reach as leaders is continuing a thing because of law and tradition. We are so blind and numb to the word of God, let us repent. Let us rely on prophetic vision of God with every tiny aspect of our lives. We remain stuck in a system because we may not have a vision in our life. We have two kinds of vision namely physical vision and spiritual vision. Physical vision here does not refer to our eyesight but your vision of your life. It is very necessary for a leader to confess and understand their vision of life. It is important for us to update our visions to our current day scenario. It is encouraged for us to realise and pray to God to help us refine our vision.

Spiritual vision is when we ask God to direct our path in His vision which is equally necessary. The problem we face is we prioritise and neglect God’s vision or highly dependent on God and not having our vision. The physical vision and spiritual vision are equally important and necessary. When we seek and ask God for His direction, He might give you a path completely contradicting to your vision. But if we obey and lead into His path which would eventually complete His vision for our life but also fulfil our vision in a wider manner.

According to the scriptures, before the Lamp of God had gone out, Samuel was lying down in the tabernacle of the Lord where the Ark of God was located. Samuel had no room for himself, he had no rights. He lived in a place where everyone was allowed and he had no place to hide. Our rooms depict our privacy. In the comfort of your own room, you are not vulnerable. Here we talk about one’s comfort zone, an aspect of your life where you are not vulnerable. It is when you are different in different situations.

Let us be leaders open about our weakness, challenges and struggles. Let us only be comfortable at the presence of God. We must become vulnerable to people and know that our life is nothing but the presence of God. When we lose the covering of the presence of God, shame, guilt enters our lives and we move away from God. Let us make the presence of God our home. The Lord is inviting us to live a life of visionary and vulnerable leaders. Let us receive fresh alignment to the prophetic vision of God. Let us be disconnected from satan, peer pressure, people and enemy and connect to God

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God bless you!

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