Accept Each Other
Romans 15:7 NLT
Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.
We know and love God, because we know He is perfect. But, when it comes to the people around us by serving, loving, honouring, living with them especially those who are different from us, it becomes a challenge for us to grow our relationship with them.
You can worship and glorify God’s name with your relationships. One of the way to glorify Him through our relationships is by accepting, embracing and understanding each other in the way Christ did to you, as He has accepted you.
Let us realise what Christ has done to us. Jesus accepted you when you were a rebellion. He was a sacrifice. By his death, He released righteousness to me. He did not wait for me to be perfect to build a relationship. He came to a place to embrace you.
In the way Jesus accepted you, you must accept others. It is a challenge with the various differences we carry.We can become extremely judgemental at times about people based in their external appearances which drives them away from Christ.
When you have a relationship with people, do not build it only if they carry similarities or do not agree with us.
Let us transform to accept others in the way Christ did. Draw your God ordained boundaries to them and love them with love of God. We must understand the revelation of Lord. When we accept each other we glorify Him. When we walk in unity we host His presence.
Accepting each other brings glory & honour to Him.
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