Conquered by Love

by | Jun 21, 2022 | Love

Let everyone everywhere shine with praise to Yahweh! Let it all out! Go ahead and praise him! For he has conquered us with his great love, and his kindness has melted our hearts. His faithfulness lasts forever, and he will never fail you. So go ahead, let it all out! Praise Yah! O Yah! – Psalms 117-1,2 (TPT)


Today the Lord has given us another day so that we can adore, worship, praise, adore and admire Him. We are made in the image of God; when we admire, praise and worship Him there is a deep connection between God’s Spirit and our spirit. There is a transfer we receive from Him and therefore we lay ourselves down as sacrifice for His namesake . Nothing can take the place of our corporate, public, personal, intimate worship.

Psalms 117 (TPT) – “Let everyone everywhere shine with praise to Yahweh! Let it all out! Go ahead and praise him! For he has conquered us with his great love, and his kindness has melted our hearts. His faithfulness lasts forever, and he will never fail you. So go ahead, let it all out! Praise Yah! O Yah!”

There is an invitation for everyone everywhere to praise Him. When we praise Him we are infact shining in His glory and his goodness. When we worship and praise God, it is us who are benefiting, we receive Hs grace and kindness in manifold measure.

Whatever you are going through today, remember there is someone who loves you more, who cares for you more. Whatever other things that might be captivating you, the Lord is conquering you with His love. There is someone who is willing to love you even more. The Lord is captivating, conquering and capturing you with His great love.

The truth is that we are without excuse. We cannot give any reason to not reciprocate this great love. It is the same love that caused God to call us his beloved children.

In Psalms 117:2 – “His kindness has melted our hearts.” Sometimes due to certain traumas our heart might become very numb, it might begin to despise certain group of people, situation; but today His kindness is being released over us and His kindness is melting our hearts. Those traumas, incidents or accidents are not gonna affect our lives, our future; it will not define our future.

It goes on to say, “His faithfulness lasts forever and He will never fail us”. People might fail us, circumstances might fail us, governments might fail us; but our God will never fail us. His faithfulness last forever and ever and ever.

The author of this Psalms gives us these reason for our praise to manifest. He has conquered us with His great love, His kindness has melted our hearts and His faithfulness last forever and ever; so let it all out, let your church and your unbelieving friends hear of your testimony of Yahweh. We have to stop cribbing about what we don’t have and make it a habit to respond to everything that happens in our lives with praise.

Let’s pray: Lord we pray for each and everyone of your children that are gonna shine with praise to Yahweh today. Lord let it be evident in there transactions, in their going out and coming in that they love you and they are conquered by Your love. Have your way, in Jesus name, Amen.


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