Love As Thyself

by | Nov 13, 2020 | Love

And Jonathan made David reaffirm his vow of friendship again, for Jonathan loved David as he loved himself. – 1 Samuel 20v17 NLT

Welcome to another day with Jesus! I hope you are ready to journey an extra mile towards Jesus today!

Now when the Holy Spirit encounters us, He fills us with the fruits and the gifts of the Spirit and to talk about the fruits of the Spirit, the one and important fruit is love!

Often our spiritual muscles ache when we have to forgive people and love them, but can we take a moment to ponder why is it hard to forgive and love naturally when we have the presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us?

The Bible says Jonathan loved David as he loved himself. Jonathan knew David was his competitor and that David was anointed by God to be king and not him! That must be tough to swallow but yet he made a choice to love David as he loved himself.

Sometimes, we fail to love our Davids as well. Those who are hurting our position and honour.

We need to find out and identify all the Davids in our lives and make a choice to love them with our whole heart and lift them up like Jonathan.

If Jonathan could do it without the presence of the Holy Spirit, how much more can we labour in love when we have the Holy Spirit with us now?

The Bible says God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill us with the fruit of love.

May God’s great grace meet you today and help you forgive and love all the Davids in your life.

You are blessed.

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